Tuesday 20 November 2012

Last post for 2013 Diaries

Yes, I can hear that sigh of relief and I know that there are only so many diary covers that I can bore you with.  But I must say that I am pretty impressed, very happy and so grateful to you wonderful people. 

You see, a few months ago I ordered 40 blank diaries, to put my original drawings on the covers of.  I thought at the time that I was being optimistic, but hey, at the worst all of my family would get diaries for Christmas!!!  

But amazingly, as of this week, they have all sold.  I still have a few orders to finish and then they will all be gone to their new homes.  It has been a lot of fun designing and colouring them and just as much fun working with you wonderful people to give you the images you want.

So as the final (I hope) diary post, I thought I would show you some of my favourite ones :)


  1. Congrats lovely - what a great feeling and achievement it must be! xx


  2. Such beautiful artworks! 40 of them you say? Optimism can go a long way!

  3. Love he one in the middle. That is definitely my favourite.
    You've done so well to sell them all! Well done :)

  4. They are seriously gorgeous. You are very talented :)

  5. I am not surprised they all sold you did a fantastic job designing them. THe pictures were beautiful and anything original is perfect. I am following you now and would love for you to follow along.


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